Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It all starts here

I'm not really sure where to start so I guess I can tell you about myself, I am a 23 year old stay at home mom with two kids, Zoie who is 5 and Keinen who is 1 I have a great husband who is truly my best friend.

 I have been diagnosed with manic depression, GAD ( generalized anxiety disorder), and I am also a compulsive eater and severely overweight. I have been struggling with my weight and over eating for a very long time since I was a child I remember sneaking food once I remember sneaking a whole box of granola bars and eating the whole box, I remember it getting really bad when I got pregnant with my first child Zoie I didn't think about what I ate or how much because it was "ok" because I was pregnant. After I gave birth it hit me, the weight didn't just fall off it was all there and I was very upset over my "new" body I ended up putting on a whopping 80 lbs during pregnancy. I was able to maintain for the most part my body weight after birth but I was slowley adding on the pounds thanks to my lack of self control and the excessive amount of overeating. When my daughter was two we started to try for another child along with trying I started to exercise  and attempt to gain some control over my eating and weight. I lost about 15 lbs and then got pregnant with my second child in December 2009 again with the eating whatever you want because your pregnant. I ended up gaining another 50lbs and since I gave birth I have added another 20 lbs on top of that. I am on a mission to change my life. I no longer want to be overweight I want to be normal. So here goes nothing, I am going to try and go to the gym at least 5 days a week I am also attending an over eaters anonymous meeting on Saturday. I will try and update as often as possible as I climb this mountain to gain health and control over my life.

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